Tara Laskowski
Visit the Merriam-Webster Time Traveler site [link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/time-traveler] and choose the year you were born to see a list of words that were first introduced that year. Choose three of them and write a three-paragraph story with one of the words appearing in each paragraph.

Tara Laskowski’s debut suspense novel One Night Gone won the Agatha Award, Macavity Award, and the Anthony Award. Her second novel, The Mother Next Door, was published in October 2021. She also wrote two short story collections, Modern Manners for Your Inner Demons and Bystanders. She has won the Agatha Award and Thriller Award for her short fiction and was the longtime editor of the online flash fiction journal SmokeLong Quarterly. A graduate of Susquehanna University and George Mason University, Tara grew up in Pennsylvania and lives in Virginia. www.taralaskowski.com